Minecraft Hardcore Mode Servers
Find Hardcore mode Minecraft servers here . This mode is where you have 1 life. When you die, you will get temporary banned from the server. The duration of the deathban is set by the individual servers. Normally between 1 hours and a few days or until every player is dead on the current map. It will then restart with a new or the same map.
This type of gameplay is not for the weak - get ready to defend yourself and do not wait for the others to shot the first arrow :)
Rank | Server | IP Address |
Players Online: 1 / 500 Votes (January): 85 Votes (all time): 1017 |
Players Online: / 50 Votes (January): 61 Votes (all time): 8180 |
Players Online: / 69 Votes (January): 43 Votes (all time): 10806 |
Players Online: / 69 Votes (January): 8 Votes (all time): 75 |
Players Online: 1 / 240 Votes (January): 5 Votes (all time): 162 |
Players Online: 23 / 250 Votes (January): 1 Votes (all time): 34860 |
Players Online: / 999 Votes (January): 1 Votes (all time): 1 |
Players Online: 81 / 82 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 763 |
Players Online: 80 / 500 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 7072 |
Players Online: 31 / 1000 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 0 |
Players Online: 30 / 500 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 49 |
Players Online: 23 / 150 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 14 |
Players Online: 14 / 200 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 4 |
Players Online: 13 / 500 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 0 |
Players Online: 5 / 500 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 24 |
Players Online: 3 / 20 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 5 |
Players Online: 2 / 500 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 0 |
Players Online: 1 / 2023 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 389 |
Players Online: 1 / 30 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 11 |
Players Online: 1 / 200 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 37 |