Minecraft Adventure Mode Servers
Minecraft Adventure Servers where you will enter a predefined world you will have to live and survive in. You can not destroy blocks as normal, but will have to kill to survive. You can also interact with NPC, doors and such.
Below you will find a full list of Adventure mode servers that are waiting for you to join!
Rank | Server | IP Address |
Players Online: 97 / 1 Votes (January): 2768 Votes (all time): 1347766 |
Players Online: 754 / 7000 Votes (January): 1898 Votes (all time): 138989 |
Players Online: 11 / 12 Votes (January): 1328 Votes (all time): 1536455 |
Players Online: 176 / 177 Votes (January): 1274 Votes (all time): 12786 |
Players Online: 123 / 1955 Votes (January): 810 Votes (all time): 343393 |
Players Online: 21 / 100 Votes (January): 736 Votes (all time): 102152 |
Players Online: 26 / 1000 Votes (January): 595 Votes (all time): 64201 |
Players Online: 45 / 200 Votes (January): 522 Votes (all time): 522 |
Players Online: 14 / 100 Votes (January): 497 Votes (all time): 3831 |
Players Online: 25 / 75 Votes (January): 397 Votes (all time): 103632 |
Players Online: 63 / 500 Votes (January): 364 Votes (all time): 243007 |
Players Online: 12 / 2000 Votes (January): 332 Votes (all time): 170283 |
Players Online: 5 / 100 Votes (January): 193 Votes (all time): 22108 |
Players Online: 18 / 420 Votes (January): 141 Votes (all time): 74059 |
Players Online: / 100 Votes (January): 132 Votes (all time): 3269 |
Players Online: 5 / 100 Votes (January): 120 Votes (all time): 547 |
Players Online: 9 / 100 Votes (January): 99 Votes (all time): 32672 |
Players Online: 12 / 50 Votes (January): 87 Votes (all time): 2302 |
Players Online: 21 / 2025 Votes (January): 81 Votes (all time): 1538 |
Players Online: 5 / 200 Votes (January): 73 Votes (all time): 5459 |