Minecraft Bukkit modded Servers
This is page 7 of the modified servers list for Minecraft Servers. The use of Bukkit / Craftbukkit will enhance the server with a lot of great features, to help give the server more options/functions and it gives an gateway for plugin designers to make even more crazy functionality to the game.
Rank | Server | IP Address |
Players Online: 1 / 500 Votes (February): 16 Votes (all time): 42 |
Players Online: / 300 Votes (February): 16 Votes (all time): 60 |
Players Online: 12 / 13 Votes (February): 15 Votes (all time): 37 |
Landfall SMP#124
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Players Online: / 100 Votes (February): 15 Votes (all time): 61 |
Players Online: 2 / 30 Votes (February): 14 Votes (all time): 1976 |
Players Online: / 1500 Votes (February): 14 Votes (all time): 72 |
Players Online: / 200 Votes (February): 13 Votes (all time): 10057 |
Players Online: / 1000 Votes (February): 13 Votes (all time): 23007 |
Players Online: 1 / 1000 Votes (February): 12 Votes (all time): 2429 |
Players Online: / 300 Votes (February): 12 Votes (all time): 3546 |
Players Online: 5 / 5000 Votes (February): 11 Votes (all time): 1756 |
Players Online: / 100 Votes (February): 11 Votes (all time): 597 |
Players Online: / 69 Votes (February): 11 Votes (all time): 11 |
Players Online: / 200 Votes (February): 11 Votes (all time): 400 |
Players Online: / 2000 Votes (February): 10 Votes (all time): 10 |
Players Online: 1 / 200 Votes (February): 9 Votes (all time): 505 |
Players Online: 213 / 10000 Votes (February): 8 Votes (all time): 683 |
Players Online: 1 / 50 Votes (February): 8 Votes (all time): 46 |
Players Online: 6 / 1000 Votes (February): 7 Votes (all time): 366 |
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Players Online: 2 / 127 Votes (February): 7 Votes (all time): 57 |