Minecraft FTB - Feed The Beast Servers

This is page 2 of The FTB Feed The Beast modded servers. FTB originated as a custom challenge map in Minecraft that made heavy use of multiple tech mods. It played very similar to a type of map known as SkyBlock, where the player is started in a void world with only a small platform, and must overcome a series of challenges. Because FTB included tech mods, it was possible to use the various custom blocks and items to keep track of the challenges and the player's progress, as well as automatically give awards after each challenge was met.

Rank Server IP Address
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: ulr.craftersland.net Server Info: Grief Prevention land claim system. Economy - S...
Players Online: 14 / 400
Votes (February): 49
Votes (all time): 13719

GT New Horizons
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: gt.craftersland.net Server Info: Town land protection system MyTown 2 Mod. Multi...
Players Online: 2 / 60
Votes (February): 49
Votes (all time): 13857

by CraftersLand - [Modded SkyBlock | FTB ModPack] Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: sf3.craftersland.net SkyFactory3 ...
Players Online: 14 / 400
Votes (February): 45
Votes (all time): 33791

CraftersLand OceanBlock
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: ocean.craftersland.net Server Info: FTB Utilities claim system Economy - Server S...
Players Online: / 60
Votes (February): 43
Votes (all time): 5668

Dungeons, Dragons and Spa
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: ddss.craftersland.net Server Info: Grief Prevention land claim system. Economy - ...
Players Online: 14 / 400
Votes (February): 37
Votes (all time): 26960

ProjectOzone3 - Kappa Mod
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: po3.craftersland.net Server Info: Grief Prevention island claim system. Economy -...
Players Online: 15 / 400
Votes (February): 36
Votes (all time): 13361

Hack The Planet - All The
Welcome to Hack The Planet, a Minecraft server running the All The Mods 9 modpack! Our server is designed to provide you with an immersive and enjoyable experience. We have ...
Players Online: 5 / 200
Votes (February): 28
Votes (all time): 7082

CraftersLand StoneBlock 3
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: sb3.craftersland.net Server Info: FTB Claims mod for base protection Economy - Se...
Players Online: / 60
Votes (February): 26
Votes (all time): 2374

Infinity Evolved
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: inf.craftersland.net Server Info: Expert Mode. Town land protection system MyTown...
Players Online: 14 / 400
Votes (February): 23
Votes (all time): 61822

MC Eternal by CraftersLan
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: eternal.craftersland.net Server Info: Grief Prevention island claim system. Econo...
Players Online: 13 / 400
Votes (February): 22
Votes (all time): 15329

Roguelike Adventures and
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: rad.craftersland.net Server Info: Grief Prevention land claim system. Economy - Se...
Players Online: 13 / 400
Votes (February): 15
Votes (all time): 16483

FTB Direwolf20 1.20
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: dw20.craftersland.net Server Info: FTB Claims mod for base protection Economy - S...
Players Online: / 60
Votes (February): 12
Votes (all time): 326

BoxxyNetwork - Modded Net
BoxxyNetwork Who and what are we? We are a fairly new and recent modded minecraft server network, we host several modded minecraft servers and offer everyone support t...
Players Online: 4 / 5000
Votes (February): 11
Votes (all time): 1756

All The Mods 6 by Crafter
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: atm6.craftersland.net Server Info: FTB Claims mod for base protection Economy - S...
Players Online: / 60
Votes (February): 8
Votes (all time): 4325

Welcome to the HaresandFishes Network! We currently have 2 modded servers active with more to come. Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/c722vnft Download the cob...
Players Online: / 50
Votes (February): 7
Votes (all time): 9

Reforged Network Vanilla & Modded We host a variety of servers, surley something to fit your taste! Vanilla: ➤ Survival Plus (1.9 > 1.20.1) ➤ Lifesteal ...
Players Online: / 5000
Votes (February): 7
Votes (all time): 2455

SkyFactory2 by CraftersLa
by CraftersLand - [Modded SkyBlock | ATLauncher] Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: skyfactory.craftersland.net SkyFact...
Players Online: 12 / 400
Votes (February): 6
Votes (all time): 43272

Welcome to **Path to Elysium**, adventurer! there's always something exciting waiting for you. Explore the mystical lands, create epic builds, and make new friends alon...
Players Online: / 20
Votes (February): 6
Votes (all time): 6

FTB Continuum CraftersLan
Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: cont.craftersland.net Server Info: Grief Prevention land claim system. Economy - ...
Players Online: 12 / 400
Votes (February): 3
Votes (all time): 17826

Website: www.craftersland.net | Forum: forum.craftersland.net Server address: ftb.craftersland.net Server Info: Town land protection system MyTown 2 Mod. Mult...
Players Online: 15 / 400
Votes (February): 2
Votes (all time): 44799