Minecraft PVP Servers
This is page 8 of the Minecraft PVP list. PVP is where players can kill each other - PVP is mainly seen on Survival and Vanilla servers and rarely seen on Classic servers.
On PVP servers you need to aware of the potential risk of getting killed by other players and your gear looted.
Servers like this is the right choice for you if you love to hunt others and be hunted yourself.
Rank | Server | IP Address |
Players Online: 16 / 50 Votes (January): 235 Votes (all time): 14143 |
Players Online: 39 / 40 Votes (January): 233 Votes (all time): 3355 |
Players Online: 25 / 100 Votes (January): 231 Votes (all time): 16686 |
Players Online: 17 / 1000 Votes (January): 227 Votes (all time): 12711 |
Players Online: 20 / 100 Votes (January): 226 Votes (all time): 2661 |
Players Online: 28 / 64 Votes (January): 223 Votes (all time): 6044 |
Players Online: 23 / 50 Votes (January): 222 Votes (all time): 924 |
Players Online: 11 / 40 Votes (January): 220 Votes (all time): 37714 |
Players Online: 9 / 50 Votes (January): 215 Votes (all time): 287 |
Players Online: 45 / 300 Votes (January): 214 Votes (all time): 12954 |
Players Online: 22 / 100 Votes (January): 214 Votes (all time): 49476 |
Players Online: 10 / 300 Votes (January): 213 Votes (all time): 4243 |
Players Online: 6 / 69 Votes (January): 211 Votes (all time): 672 |
Zenith Kingdoms#154
Players Online: 8 / 500 Votes (January): 210 Votes (all time): 3366 |
Players Online: 9 / 64 Votes (January): 209 Votes (all time): 24432 |
Players Online: 45 / 300 Votes (January): 208 Votes (all time): 170331 |
Players Online: 26 / 50 Votes (January): 208 Votes (all time): 4705 |
Players Online: 17 / 100 Votes (January): 205 Votes (all time): 232 |
Players Online: 22 / 100 Votes (January): 199 Votes (all time): 490 |
Players Online: 3 / 500 Votes (January): 198 Votes (all time): 46073 |