Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server List (mcsl) is showcasing some of the best Minecraft Servers in the world to play on online.

Scroll down and find a good minecraft server that seems right for you - click on the server to read more or click Copy IP and paste it into your Minecraft Client at the Multiplayer option for Java and Bedrock.
Filter through Minecraft Server categories above.

Server List Information

We ping each server often to ensure they are online and ready to play on. More than 500.000 Minecraft Servers monitored since 2010.

We have a comprehensive list of servers spanning various categories such as Skyblock, Vanilla, Pixelmon, Towny, Bedwars, and more. Navigate through the different categories in the menu above and find the perfect server to suit your Minecraft gameplay needs.

Browse Minecraft Servers 2024
Rank Server IP Address

Anarchy 5641

#4901 us

A small anarchy server with a (mostly) friendly player base. We’re simply looking to do basically anything; challenge ourselves, make factions, build structures, etc. We e...
Players Online: / 20
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0


Hard Server

#4902 jp

Hard Server
Very hard survival server Plug-ins enhance mobs and specs. No rules. Discord http://discord.lenlino.com Wiki https://hard.lenlino,com...
Players Online: / 20
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0



#4903 us

[1.19+] BRAND NEW GAMEMODE | Rally your friends or join an existing faction, find a planet, build your homebase, invade others and steal their loot & claim victory! Leve...
Players Online: / 555
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 184

poisonous potato craft
Poisonous potato craft! Play the poisonous potato update but on a server only for a limited time! Poisonous potato craft is an event hosted by fire anarchy....
Players Online: / 10000
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 7



#4905 de

->Hacks and Exploits Permitted: Use hacks freely, including aura, elytra flight, and gravity block duping. Our anti-cheat system is configured to allow most hacks while o...
Players Online: / 100
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0


Quantum SMP

#4906 us

Roleplay Survival create your own town/city Anarchy/ PVP Medival to join the server go to the Discord server here --> https://discord.gg/ZTjR5y9Duj...
Players Online: / ?
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0



#4907 us

ZenithMC is a SMP and Mini Games server for Java and Bedrock Edition in the latest versions! IP Address: Zenith-MC.org Bedrock Port: 8066 Version: 1.20+...
Players Online: / 20
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 88



#4908 gb

TikTokCraft Bedrock IP: play.blazecraft.uk Bedrock Port: 19134 Discord: https://discord.gg/dKtyshjQxb Official Servers Survival / Mini Games TikTokCraft is...
Players Online: / 2000
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 31



#4909 us

Experience the worlds of KrumbledMC! An incredible server exclusively for adults aged 18 and above (No Exceptions). Dive into our multi-world adventure, always up-to-d...
Players Online: 1 / 1214
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 51


#4910 gb

Spero, a unique server with a custom map, custom city management system exclusive to us, regular roleplaying community, player-driven economy, armies and movecraft. We e bu...
Players Online: / 20
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 11


#4911 us

infinity lite ftb mod server fun community server for all .no server port needed only this link candyland.apexmc.co no hacking allowed if caught you will be banned . here is...
Players Online: / 9999
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 1



#4912 us

SettleScape is a small, tight-knit server with high-quality, open-source configuration, quality moderation, and a mature playerbase. It is a survival PvE server, focused pri...
Players Online: / 25
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 1



#4913 ru

OmegaMC is a network of game servers with a unique atmosphere. There are 3 servers to choose from: 1. OmegaMC - classic. Survival with many new plugins and new generatio...
Players Online: 18 / 19
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 2



#4914 us

KateriusSMP is a server made for fun, there are no serious plugins but it's fun. We've got a competent staff team and if you're active we can make you one too...
Players Online: / ?
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 2

It Is Available For Players From Oldest To Latest Version . It Is Very Good Server. and Java+ PE+ bedrock+ players can play and surver spawn point is very good. and thear is...
Players Online: / ?
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0

Veldt Survival
Dive into a world where classic Minecraft survival meets exciting new features! We deliver a semi-vanilla experience that maintains the core gameplay you love while introduc...
Players Online: / 20
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 38

ATM: All the Mods 10 v2.3
🦊 Welcome to Paprika’s Den - All the Mods 10! 🦊 Join our friendly community running the popular All the Mods 10 modpack! Whether you're an automation expert,...
Players Online: 1 / 15
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 6



#4918 us

Hello, this is Prince_of_Peace here, owner of DraconiaMC. We are a small community of Minecraft players, looking for others to join our server. The server is planned to be a...
Players Online: / 20
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0

LastCraft Minigames
We - one of the best servers of minigames in Russia. Every day we played about 3,000 players, come and you will not regret it. And also do not forget to call your friends. ...
Players Online: 28 / 1
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 23


Otters World

#4920 us

WELCOME TO OTTER'S WORLD! ((1.20.2)) We originally started this server as a way to retreat from competitive gaming (Valorant, Rocket League, etc) but are expanding and ...
Players Online: / 100
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 93