Minecraft The Best Servers (Popular) Servers
Are you a Minecraft fan looking for page 5 of the best servers to play on? Look no further because we've got you covered with our monthly updated list of the Best Minecraft Servers. These servers have been rated by players just like you, ensuring that you'll have an epic gaming experience. From the number of votes each server has received, we've determined which servers are currently the most popular.
So why not show your favorite server some love by voting for it on our site? The more votes a server receives, the higher it will rank on our list, making it even more popular and increasing its chance of being discovered by other players. With a constantly updated list, you'll always have access to the latest information about the most popular servers. Get voting and let the games begin!
Rank | Server | IP Address |
Players Online: 168 / 169 Votes (January): 1293 Votes (all time): 680176 |
Players Online: 158 / 1000 Votes (January): 1287 Votes (all time): 99324 |
Players Online: 180 / 3999 Votes (January): 1146 Votes (all time): 937125 |
Players Online: 148 / 1955 Votes (January): 1141 Votes (all time): 343724 |
Players Online: 42 / 500 Votes (January): 1141 Votes (all time): 26844 |
Players Online: 83 / 2000 Votes (January): 1099 Votes (all time): 3736 |
Players Online: 16 / 100 Votes (January): 1090 Votes (all time): 272335 |
Players Online: 14 / 100 Votes (January): 1075 Votes (all time): 389815 |
Players Online: 41 / 100 Votes (January): 1070 Votes (all time): 154688 |
Players Online: 31 / 150 Votes (January): 1049 Votes (all time): 26853 |
Players Online: 24 / 100 Votes (January): 1039 Votes (all time): 102455 |
Players Online: 31 / 500 Votes (January): 1004 Votes (all time): 9048 |
Players Online: 24 / 100 Votes (January): 983 Votes (all time): 8021 |
Players Online: 26 / 100 Votes (January): 976 Votes (all time): 135594 |
Players Online: 36 / 420 Votes (January): 974 Votes (all time): 424277 |
Players Online: 115 / 200 Votes (January): 972 Votes (all time): 6151 |
Players Online: 52 / 2000 Votes (January): 971 Votes (all time): 628620 |
Players Online: / ? Votes (January): 961 Votes (all time): 4015 |
Players Online: 80 / 80 Votes (January): 955 Votes (all time): 4571 |
Players Online: 33 / 100 Votes (January): 903 Votes (all time): 5498 |